An Idea Needs Time To Grow
It takes time to slice the tomato you grew yourself. You do not plant the tomato seed, wake up the next day, walk to the garden and say to yourself, “This doesn’t work! I knew it!!” You would not believe your neighbor if they told you, “See, I knew it would never produce a tomato.” No, you give the seed time to grow into the plant first, then care for the plant until the bloom produces the fruit, it ripens, and then you pick the tomato and slice it for lunch.
Why then do we plant the seed of our worthy goals (the idea) in our mind and then wake up a week, month, year later and instead of seeing the progression toward our goal, say to ourselves, “See I knew this would never happen” then give up? That makes no more sense than it does to scream at the tomato plant that has not yet yielded its fruit that it is not going to in a day, week, or even a month!
Give your idea, your worthy goals time to work! The experience on your journey is not only a great ride, but it is a necessary part of the process. Just like the tomato seed needs time and resources, so do your goals! This is a law and works exactly like every other law whether we understand it or not.
Do you expect a newborn baby to immediately eat a steak? Of course not, the baby must develop in a lot of ways before that day comes, and we do not give up on the little guy just because he cannot yet eat a steak.
Use everything you experience and see in a positive way to your advantage. Ask yourself what is it you are to see, hear, learn, or do? Realize that all we have in our lives, all we do, all we experience has meaning for us and is helping us if we are only aware!
I once heard a teacher lecture and say as she was driving along lost in thought and heard a siren, she immediately examined what she was thinking about. Realizing it was nothing positive, she changed her thinking right away. She recognized, or used, the siren to “wake” her up!
If we are using experiences in a negative way to offer “proof” of what we want as not possible or not happening, it is then time to get back to the study of the self-image and who we really are and what exactly we are on the road to. We have made a new self, and allowing our thinking to go backward into the former way is never going to create the life we want or give us positive results.
Remember, you cannot break out of the prison (of your thinking) unless and until you realize you are in one. Ask yourself, “Am I giving my idea the necessary time and attention and care for it to develop and mature?”
I trained myself years ago to see the unpleasant things in life that I could not control as a necessary part of my journey and there for a reason. I am stuck in traffic—maybe if had I gone ahead as planned I would have been in a major accident, and so forth.
When you become aware of who you REALLY are and how extremely powerful your thoughts are, how they really dictate your results, you notice the people and events in your life as signals for good to either get your thinking back on track or propel you forward.
We have two small groceries where I live that are owned by the same company at opposite ends of town. I recently went into a particular store that I had not been to for many months. I noticed they had remodeled; everything was fresh, well organized. It was nice. I got to the checkout and asked the cashier if they had remodeled. She told me it had been some time ago, and so I told her I normally frequent the other store since it is on my way to the office. Then I started telling her a story about poor customer service I recently had at the other store and how I was not going back there. Immediately the young girl bagging my groceries looked at me and said, “How is your Saturday going?” I knew instantly I was talking about something negative, and she was bringing me back. I almost looked at her and said thank you, instead I told her my Saturday was great and asked her how her Saturday was going!! Here was this 18-year-old young woman reminding me that even a simple conversation checking out at the grocery has a lot of power, and I immediately changed my thinking! I do not like negative results of any sort, so I always discipline my thinking toward what I want! I understand the power of thought and speech, and know that even something that seems harmless if it is not positive, that is detrimental to ME!
Give yourself time to learn about you, time to grow, time to develop a new self-image, and time to become all you wish to be. Know that while you are studying, in the background of your life where you cannot see, things are falling into place to make all your tomorrows. Use the power you have in your thinking to develop thoughts and habits that serve the good purpose of your life. It is possible!
Do you have worthy goals, goals for the good in your life? Do you understand the power of your hidden self-image, the power of the thoughts you choose? Are you on autopilot or are you aware? Only you can change your life.
I believe in you, you are great! God created us as the highest form of life as far as we know, and He never makes mistakes. It’s up to us to live to our best calling and a life of greatness. You can do this! There is no magic wand, it is not luck, position, knowing the “right” people, education, degrees, or anything other than simply studying yourself and how to change your thinking and your self-image, then acting on what you learn and apply those principles. We really have control over our results and our life!
Let’s do this together!