The fog of distress can be so persistent. Many times we do not even realize we are in a fog. We come to think of the way things are as normal. Staying in unhealthy relationships, toxic work environments, poor financial standing, addictions trying to cope, and the list can be endless. It is all so familiar, it becomes the normal way of living. It is a lot like sleep walking through life.
What is the fog of distress? It is that underlying feeling you know is there, yet you cannot put your finger on it. It's the feeling of being stuck and not knowing why, then mistakenly just assuming that is the way life is "supposed to be." Accepting negative results is not, well, normal. We aren't meant to live in a fog our entire lives drifting from one poor result to the next, not even realizing where we are or where we are headed, then just accepting there is no other way to live.
Where does the fog come from? It comes from inside, the thinking process, the self image, and the false beliefs we either were taught or told ourselves that keep us limited and in a state of distress. So the question then begs, how do we change this?
People spend millions of dollars in the United States on psychotherapy, medication, and all sorts of other means trying to cope with their lives and the situations they experience. Yet all theology and all (reputable) therapists, even science now agrees, change outside happens when we change inside. We ourselves know this to be true in our very own lives. Look at your own life, your own past, even the present and think of a time you know you made a decision in your mind, then acted on it, and either reaped the benefit or paid the price. Either way, it all began with your choice, your decision, your thought.
Here are two examples almost anyone can relate to. Dieting for one. A person hates what they see in the mirror and possibly knows it affects their health negatively. They see other people fit and feel bad, "why can't I do that or be that way?" Then they go on a diet. They lose weight and get positive results, but in time the weight finds its way back. How does that happen and so often?
Look at debt, credit card debt, for example. Most all Americans live in debt. It causes financial stress, relationship problems, higher interest rates, more bankruptcies. The person hates the debt, they hate the stress. They make a decision to pay all the debt off, or worse, file bankruptcy, and after a time are free. Soon enough the cycle begins again. They tell themselves, "I can just buy this one small thing, or I'll pay it off later." Before they know it, the debt finds them again and it's a repeat performance.
Why do things happen like this? They happen because people go back to what they know, what "feels" normal, what is comfortable, the "way it's supposed to be" and over and over again live with poor results and do not even know why. They live in a fog, thinking their life is normal this way, never realizing there is a better way.
This continues and will continue to happen because the key to changing anything begins inside, and I'm talking where the fog really comes from. What happened to you early in your life that was negative? Think about that, then realize because it was never resolved, it's still there and is a current part of your life. It is the fog of distress.
Maybe it was divorce, ridicule, or abandonment, abuse, neglect, a lie someone you looked up to told you, being bullied, or a million other things that could have happened that caused you to believe a lie about yourself and life in general, that has caused you to walk around in a fog of distress your whole life. The fog leave you wondering why you can't lose the weight and keep it off, work doing what you would really love, have repeat poor performances in relationships, debt over and over and over, and on and on.
None of this changes until you go inside, find who you really are, God's highest form of creation on earth, understand how to change your thinking, root out the fog permanently, and develop a new understanding of your own worth. It isn't that hard, really. You only need to understand the simple process and do it. Soon enough the fog clears and you can begin to live the life you are meant to.
It takes courage, decision, deep desire to change, and committment to find yourself to get there, but you can do it.
Why wait any longer? Look how much life has already passed, make the decision now to do whatever it takes to live the life you were created to live. A life of joy, peace, love, success, and awareness.
I know you can do it. If you want to....step out of the fog and leave the negative results behind you once and for all!
There is no better investment than the investment in yourself! Sign up for some 1 on 1 and let me show you the easy way to make your life better, what is should be, a raving success!