Do you want to be free, really free?
Are you fearful of results, preoccupied with the ‘what-ifs’ in life? Do you love yourself, your life? Do you understand who you really are? This is necessary if you want great results.
The key really is your thinking. Your attitude toward yourself is the primary place you must go to find out who you really are, how to change your results, and form a real love for the person in the mirror. Your attitude toward yourself affects everything and dictates your attitude toward others, life, your results, finances, jobs, relationships, just every single facet of life.
Do you love yourself? I mean really love you? I am not talking about conceit. I am talking about acceptance, admiration, respect, forgiveness, understanding, and love. If you are not sure, try this exercise. Go into a room with a large enough mirror that you can see yourself fully in it. Be alone when you do this. Look into your own eyes. Tell yourself, “I love you.” Is this difficult for you? Do you feel happy when you look into your eyes, or ashamed? Do you feel true love for who you are, or are you disappointed? Are you proud of who you see, or do you feel dissatisfied, disappointed?
This is not an easy exercise, but it is vitally important and necessary. Why? You must do this, because it is the only real way you can tell how you feel about you. Until you can look deeply into your own eyes with gratitude and admiration for who you are, all you have done and been through, love and respect your own greatness, marvel at the wonder of the life in you which God created, until you can really feel these things, you will never be free inside. If this is difficult or impossible for you to do, it is a good thing since this shows you there is work to be done inside. This exercise empowers you to learn, grow, and understand who you are and how to be better. Better is a great word. We should always strive to be better.
Do you pretend, play the part, disguise yourself for others and be who you think you are supposed to be? Bill Gove, one of the greatest public speakers taught us a valuable lesson when he said, “If I want to be free, I’ve got to be ME....not the me everyone else thinks I should be.... if I want to be free, I’ve got to be me, so I better know who ME is.” (Paraphrased)
Knowing who we really are is not something most people understand. We are conditioned from birth to believe we are supposed to be a certain way or achieve certain life results and so on. Most people never even realize this and just do what they think they are 'supposed' to be and do. Neither do they understand how to change this conditioning or how to achieve permanent better results. We are conditioned to believe we are our body, our name, our report card, financial statement, credit score, sales sheet, etc. This is not who we really are. When we start studying ourselves, we then begin a journey of improvement where we never look back into the past except in admiration and gratitude. We are then on the road to a greater life, a life we can love and appreciate.
My mentors helped me understand long ago that when I truly understood who I really was, I would no longer be concerned with other people’s opinions of me or be who they thought I should be. I would no longer be fearful of life, my abilities, my results, my anything, and they were more than right.
Are you pretending to be who someone else thinks you should be? Are you pretending to be someone you think you should be and never actually getting the results you would like? Stop right now and instead start acting like the person you WANT to be. Who do you really want to be? Live from the end as if you already are who you want to be. This works every time for every person.
Think of this, you already have the time, we all have all the time there is. What are you doing with your time? Are you wasting your free time thinking and speaking about negativity? Do you socialize online or in person with people involved in backward thinking such as gossip, criticism, dishonesty, immorality, resentment, or anything opposite of the good you desire? Maybe you actually participate in those things. Rid yourself of it, close the door to that type of thinking and behavior. Participating in negativity, listening to it, reading it, playing negative music, watching negative movies or news, all those things affect your thinking whether you realize it or not. Remember, how you think about you dictates your results and how you see your world and your potential. We become exactly like the people we spend the most time with, and that means on social media the same as if in person. Are the ways you spend your time, the people closest to you helping you work toward your dreams? Or, are they involved in negative mindsets that keep them stuck? Look at their results, results always tell how a person really thinks.
You already have such great potential inside of you. You already have what you need to achieve your dreams, your worthy goals for good! It’s true! You only need to learn how to change your thinking, mostly about YOU.
If you really want better results in your life personally, professionally, financially, and fulfill your true purpose in this life, you can have them if you are willing to study who you are. There is work to be done, it isn't magic or luck. It is a committed decision to be better, a persistent mindset to win, and a resolve to action.
I believe in you! If I can do this, anyone can! Let’s do this TOGETHER! Studying how to be better is a lifelong process and it is great. It not only benefits you but everyone around you! Remember, if you want to be free, you need to know who ‘me’ is. Love yourself, you are God’s highest form of creation! Your life and mine are miracles, the wonder in our bodies is amazing, and we are here for a purpose.