Bring to mind a situation from your past that deeply hurt you, so much so that you have difficulty getting past it. Maybe someone betrayed you that you trusted, or you lost someone you were not ready to say goodbye to. Maybe you have been physically or mentally abused, witnessed some sort of public violence, maybe someone you loved was abused while you watched, or any of the thousands of other scenarios that cause pain inside.
Negative experiences are difficult to overcome, especially the ones that cause inner scars and seem impossible to heal from. Yet if we ever want to live in emotional freedom and enjoy the life God intends us to have, we must make a conscious choice to let go of the past, no matter how justified it seems to hang on. Does this mean those experiences did not hurt? No, it means we understand them, then let go. Forever.
Within each of us is a massive storehouse of both positive and negative experiences from the past. These experiences have been recorded in our memory system much like a video we record on our phone today. The bad memories and experiences are just as real as the good, but it is up to us which 'movie' we choose to replay. We must ask how reliving something negative that produced unpleasantness and hurt in life will serve us today? How is thinking about something someone did, something bad that happened, a mistake made in the past, or any other negative mind movie going to serve us in any positive way now? It isn't and that is the truth. To relive old hurts and hang onto those inner scars damages today and guarantees pain tomorrow.
Perception, the higher faculty God instilled within every human being, is one constantly in use when thinking about anything. It is what causes us to see things the way we see them. No other living being on earth possesses perception. We use this thinking skill to evaluate and re-evaluate everything. Our perception about any given subject is changed every time we re-evaluate it. This is where our power to change lies. When we change our perception of a past event and see it for what it really is, a step in the ladder of life, we are able to release those negative mind movies that keep us stuck and focus on the positive with happier expectation.
Re-evaluating something from the past with a positive outlook is empowering. Remember, Steve Jobs put it brilliantly when he said, "You cannot connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect the dots looking backwards....." and that is the only reason we need to look back at anything that does not serve us now. Everything you have been through, everything you have done, right or wrong, good or bad, has brought you to where you now are and prepared you for the greatness that lies ahead. Replace the negative feelings with ones that are positive and let go of the events that cause those inner scars that do not serve you now.
Remember the hourglass illustration? You only have now, right now, and no one can never change any of the yesterdays in life. To use the precious time of right now thinking about bad past events only guarantees more of the same distress and unhappiness today and in the future. We are not doomed by past unhappiness and hurts unless we allow those old movies to stay on auto play and waste the only time we have today by reliving them over and over.
As God's highest creation on earth we sometimes get so stuck in the past we have great difficulty living in the present or thinking of a positive future! It is the old conditioning we have talked about so many times that keeps us stuck. Let's stop living like we do not know those old wars of the past are over and let the dead bury the dead. Let's go on today and live with purpose and in peace, permanently.
What matters now is the present, and we can successfully live in the present as the responsible and marvelous child of God we are. We can release the image of the helpless victim those old negative movies seem to tell us we are. Do not believe those lies. We are never a helpless victim, not in the past, not now, not ever!
Think of this, if some music comes on the radio you do not like or a show on TV, you don't scream at the music or TV to try and make it better, or keep replaying that song or show you don't like over and over. No, you change the station and find something better.
Why not change the "station" in your mind and let go of those old hurts and experiences that are keeping you stuck in the past. It is possible! Make a decision right now you are no longer going to live in the past, no longer going to be victim to inner scars from long ago. Sign up for the classes and free yourself, find a better way to think and live that will enable you to once and for all be happy.
I believe in you! You are a great person, God created you for a purpose! Let's do this together!