......every day

As I drove across the New Mexico desert, I saw as far as my human eye could reach - pure beauty. No houses, no people, no rush to conformity, no traffic for miles, no stress, no pressure, nothing but blue skies and the road in front of me. Majestic mountains in the distance, breathtaking. The desert held a wonder like none I have seen, it was a miracle, and I was there. I was in awe.

It became clearly evident to me the miracle of life, of my life, the earth, everything; and I became aware. Aware of the thousands of people before me that made it possible for me to be where I was, at each moment, experiencing things in such a way that I had never condsidered in my life before, true miracles.

Flying at 34,000 feet in the air put a new perspective on my role in this world, on our earth that is so big. Making it hundreds of miles across the US in just hours, in comfort and service, a miracle. Does anyone realize the miracle of flight in our present time? I would say of the people on the plane with me, probably not, oblivious to this as they played games on their phones, slept, or chattered endlessly. No one seemed to notice what I was seeing. Tears came to my eyes, and I thanked God.

As I drove all over the state of New Mexico by myself for one week, I came to understand so many things about my life and myself. It was liberating to be just by myself discovering the vast beauty of this wonderful state, meeting wonderful people along the way, and just seeing so many different things in nature. A deep sense of gratitude washed over me as I drove 4 hours in each direction to see something new and different. I began to realize what a blessing this experience was to me, and the true blessing of my life. I contemplated the time I have left here in this body, this life, and I asked myself important questions. What do I really want to do with the rest of my time??

Driving for hours in the mountains with very little traffic and just seeing such beauty was not only so grand, but enlightening to my very soul. I came to realize how creation is still so beautiful, the sky...endless and so big. The mountains and desert and all of the plant life therein, true miracles, and me being there.... just in total peace, I was thankful. I came to tears so many times and just told God, "Thank You," over and over and over. I felt so lucky to be there and see everything my eyes could take in. In Santa Fe, I just sat on a bench of a church courtyard in the sun watching the wind blow in a tree for about an hour, again contemplating life and all of this wonderful place. It was quite, peaceful. The sun was warm and the wind so soft, the sky such a stark blue, and the background of the square and all the shops, just beautiful. I never wanted to leave.

There is a vast greatness in the earth and the sky. Despite our human race destroying so much of what God has blessed us with here, there is still so much beauty to behold and be truly grateful for. I wondered how I could have missed it all these years and wondered if it was just in the mountains and desert, or would I find this peace and inspiration back home? Somehow southern Indiana just did not have the same affect on me......complacency.

I've been back almost 4 weeks now, and the adjustment was not easy. Living in total freedom and peace for a solid week, no pressure, no deadlines, no rude people, no demands to perform, no disagreements, no set schedules, all of that made the return to conformity very difficult. It was hard to go back to a more than a full time demanding job, but after a few weeks of adjustment, I have come to understand, we really can do and anything we want to, go anywhere we want to. It is only the self-imposed limitations we place in our own minds that keeps us where we are.

For the first time in my life, I truly understood this and while I marveled at God's creation that seemed so much more evident while I was in the mountains and desert, I knew the same is where ever I am. Magnificence, joy, peace, love, all come from inside, and the stark reality that every aspect of my life is my choice was so clear now. We really can work anywhere, no one has the corner on the market in whatever job is held. There are jobs, homes, people, places, everywhere. If we want to, we can change what we see and where we are.

I am back on track. Back on track to understanding every breathing moment is a gift and it is my responsibility to use my life wisely and experience what my life can offer to me and others.

Are you wasting your time with buried thoughts and beliefs that say "I'll do that when.......... or if......?" That will cause you to waste what precious time you have in this life. Waiting for anything is an excuse we tell ourselves out of fear. Fear of change, fear of not knowing, fear of lack. False beliefs, and they always keep us stuck. A former peer had a sign in his office that said, "Do it... Do it right.... Do it right now." He was right. Waiting for the money, for the opportunity, for the timing is all a mind game we play that keeps us stuck in the what if, the I'll-do-that-when, and it never happens.

I can help you break free of those false beliefs and patterns that limit you, just like they used to limit me. I know it works, I have tested it all on the most important person I could find that I knew I would believe when I saw the results... ME.