Luckily, as God's highest form of creation on earth, we have the ability to choose and make decisions. We can change our lives, our circumstances, our results, and really anything we want to... if we want to.
Why is it when faced with a negative experience in life most people tend to dwell on what happened for years, and many times, for the rest of their lives? Living in the past, reliving hurts, disappointments, offenses, resentment, or anything else negative that someone else did to you, or that you did and feel guilt over, is a losing game. That kind of thinking will keep you stuck in the same situations and experiences in the future just as sure as night follows day and spring follows winter. Yet most people spend the majority of their time dwelling on things they cannot change! Reliving old negative mind movies, reigniting angry feelings, resentment over perceived disappointments, and so on will never create a desirable future or a good outcome in present life. That is a law of nature.
Why does this happen over and over? It happens because people are 'programmed' both genetically and environmentally to think and behave in a certain way. That is how most people's life goes on year after year-habitually with absolutely no conscious thought of change.
Think about this, the genes of a human being are passed down from generations through both parents. Those genes come together and create the nucleus of a baby. That is why we look like our parents, siblings, or even aunts and uncles. There is also environmental influences that are built into us from birth until now. Whatever is seen, heard, and experienced from the day of a baby's birth until now has created belief systems about everything from religion, to money. That is why you earn what you earn in the job you now work in, why you live in the type of house you live in, why you believe what you believe about religious matters, money, or people, and why you either accept negative experiences as a learning tool to challenge you or not.
Did you know the majority of people dwell on the past? They spend what precious time they have thinking about negative things or talking about things they do not like or want, then wonder why their results never change. The same thing happens over and over again.
I heard a person say once, "What you think about you bring about," and that will always be so. A change in thinking must happen to impact results. Once you learn the way to actually change those patterns of behavior and think in a new, more positive way that serves you and those around you, your results will change permanently. That is where change must begin, inside your mind. If thinking does not change, the results never will. Why? Because everything starts inside with how a person thinks. Thinking leads to actions, and actions always produce results in line with thinking. I don't care if you are talking about a relationship, a job, money, or any other aspect of life. This is a law exactly like the law of gravity.
Not sure what you spend the majority of your time thinking about? Most people are on "auto-pilot" and go through days, weeks, months, and years acting and behaving from habits that were put in place in early life, never paying attention to what they are actually thinking. Remember, what we do now was instilled in us in our young life by how we were raised, the things we were taught, the people we had experiences with, and what we saw as 'normal.' If you really want to know whether your thinking is serving you in your life, health, relationships, and bank account, look at your results. Results always tell the truth. Luckily, that is good because it allows us to evaluate a situation and say....."hmm, I don't think I like that," and make a different choice! You are in control of your results even if you do not yet realize it, but you must be aware of your thoughts.
Stop wasting what precious time you have now re-living the past and wondering why you are not able to live the life you dream about in the present. Improve your relationships, earn more money, or go after that big dream!
Look at an hour glass, I have one on my desk all the time. If you look at that as a representation of your life, let the sand in the bottom of the glass represent your past. It is gone, you cannot get that back and thinking about what has happened in the past is wasting all you really have, which is right now. No one can know for certain how much 'sand' is in the top of their glass, and let that represent your future. We like to believe we will go to bed tonight, wake up in the morning, go to bed tomorrow night and so forth. However, there is no way to know for certain if that will happen or not. All you have is the one grain in the glass that never stops flowing, and that is right now. To spend the only thing you have right now worrying about the past, holding resentment, anger, guilt, or anything negative is a losing game! Let it go. See it for what it really is, an important and necessary part of your life that has moulded you into the person you need to be to get where you want to go!
If you are tired of the same results, thinking you should know better, wondering why you have not gotten where you really want to be financially or otherwise, make a decision to change. I can help you learn how to change those old patterns that were put in place by someone else.
This is so much like an acorn, if you think about it. There is a genetic pattern in an acorn that demands that acorn grow into an oak tree and nothing else. There is no way to change that pattern inside the acorn. Well, you and I were implanted with genetic patterns and now it is time to change those patterns. No longer do you have to stay trapped in undesirable results over and over again. Unlike the acorn, we can choose to change and develop new ways of thinking and acting!
Make a decision to invest in the greatest investment you will ever have, yourself. I don't care if you have to borrow the money, do it. You will never change permanently unless you learn how to do it and these exercises will give you the keys to the kingdom of change.
Is your way working? Look at your bank statement, your mortgage statement, your history of relationships, jobs, vacations, homes, etc. Are you really living how you dream? It's never too late to change! Sign up for the classes I teach and learn a better way to think that will change your life so fast you will be astounded. It works for every person, every time. If I can do it, so can you! I believe in you, you are a good person, and you deserve to life a great life, the life you were intended to live! Let's do this -- together!