wake up in 2023 to the new you!!

Why waste time with New Year's resolutions that never last longer than a week or two? My philosophy, make a permanent change that you never go back from!

Yes it's possible! It is when we understand who we really are, and why we have the potential to win, and then apply the practical application to get there, nothing can stop us!

Who do you think you are? Look in the mirror.... do you think you are your body? Do you think you are your name? You really are not your body and you are not your name. Sounds strange doesn't it? The truth is those are things we have much in the same way we have a home and car. We are so much more than a body or a name. We are God's highest form of creation on earth, and that is a true miracle, and a gift. So why do so many walk around in depression with a gloom and doom mindset, complaining, finding the worst? I'll tell you why, because they do not study their true self, or how to change permanently and live well!

Think of the hourglass, a pretty amazing invention in my opinion. Let the sand in the top of the glass represent your future, the bottom your past, and every grain falling through the center, the present. There is no way for certain to know how much sand we have in the top of our glass. Furthermore, we cannot reach into the bottom of the glass and grasp even one grain to bring it back. It remains stamped in history, in the past. That is why it is absolutely imperative to study yourself and understand who you really are. It will be only then that you can live every second of every day with wonder at the true gift your life is. It is only then you are truly able to go for your dream, never once returning to the former you.

True freedom can never really be understood until and unless we realize the prison we are in and break free. I'm not talking about an actual prison, I'm talking about the prison of negative thinking, circumstances, poor results, untrue self-image, fear, doubt, worry, depression, poor health, etc. We can permanently overcome all of this. It is so simple and so misunderstood, but it really is through our thinking. We have to displace the thoughts of fear, doubt, worry, and the like, and focus and concentrate with persistent determination on the good we want to experience. We must begin replacing those negative thoughts with positive good. It works every time for every person and in every subject. If only we would do this, we would prove to ourselves once and for all, we have all we need to succeed already. Remember, God told us ask, believe, receive. He did not give us a spirit of fear, and so many other things to help us know who we really are.

How bad do you really want change? How bad do you want good health? How bad do you really want great results, to live free, to have and be all your dreams? The pen is in your hand, you write your own story. You are the director, producer, and star of your own movie, your life. Go after your dreams, it's worth it! Study yourself, find out the truth, apply the principles, free yourself from the prison you are in once and for all!

I believe in you, more importantly, remember-God has never made any mistakes and He did not make a mistake in creating you! Take the mentorship, the lessons. There is no greater investment you could possibly make than in yourself. Not only will you benefit, but so will every single life you touch.
