We cannot build and tear down at the same moment, walk and run in the same moment, be both positive and negative in the same moment, nor can we build our dreams and expect them to happen when we think to ourselves, Yeah, but..." It will never happen.
Why is it like that? It is this way because that is one of the laws of life, and whether you and I realize it or not, it's exactly how this works. Some call it the Law of Attraction, others consequences, others Karma. Jesus told us over 2,000 years ago, we reap what we sow. What does that actually mean? It means the kinds of thoughts we think produce our results. Thinking negative thoughts produce negative results. Saying to yourself, "I really want to do that, but......" will keep you trapped.
Your life has nothing to do with someone else, it doesn't matter what someone else is doing. The past does not matter. It matters what you are doing now, and that starts with what you are thinking. Yeah, but my parents didn't raise me right, I don't know the right people, I don't have enough money, I have to ______. That thinking will keep you in that place, the same place you are now...prison. Without your dream. Is that what you really want?
Think of it like this, if you walk out in front of a car on the highway you know you will likely die. Do you know the way you think about your self, your goals, your dreams is what really produces your results every single day? It will always be so. It's just like walking in front of a speeding car, you'll get the results of your own thinking! Want to know what you really think about life, the way things are "supposed" to be? Look at your results, they always tell the truth.
Why waste your life and your time building faith in the wrong ideas? Did you know worry, fear, and doubt are all faith based? That's right, faith in the wrong ideas. Jesus also taught us everything in our life is based on faith and that faith is the belief in something unseen. Why not have faith in possibility, potential, positivity? Faith in any idea in your mind will bring into your present life results, whether positive or negative. It doesn't matter what circumstances look like, it matters what you think of yourself.
Who we are, what we do, what we have, and all we experience in life are the results of our own making. Life doesn't just happen to us. We create our lives through a series of choices, and the choices we make are based on our thoughts, decisions, and actions. Did you know your own realization of this does not matter, it still happens this way? It is true. There is a great passage in the Bible and it goes something like this, "....fill your minds with the things that are good and deserve praise, things that are lovely, true, right, honorable, pure." The man that wrote this nearly 2,000 years ago told the people in his day this for a reason. He knew what we think about affects our life either for the good or not. That was good advice. There is no middle ground. We either are on a positive plane or a negative plane and whichever place we spend the most time day-dreaming, thinking, talking about, reading about, listening to, etc., is how we live. Period.
How do we change this then? What is the answer to get out of the rut? The only way is studying, and I mean the study of you. When you understand through awareness and right thinking who you really are and your true potential, then apply certain concepts with repitition and determined decision, things change. Things change so fast you cannot believe how fast.
Listen, I mean really think about what I am about to say. The only investment that really matters in your life, is the investment in you. What you think of yourself dictates your life and affects everyone in your life. It is true. We were not created to live in fear, worry, doubt, lack, guilt, shame, poor health, etc., etc. We have to study our own thinking, our belief systems about who we are, our potential, and how to get the life we were meant to live. It is the only way.
The past doesn't matter. Mistakes do not matter. Failure is a tool to enable you and I to learn from and move on, and that is all that matters about failure. What matters is today, now. It's really all we have. None of us know what tomorrow will bring or if we will even be here. Pull up any obituary listing anywhere in the world and ask yourself if those people thought that day would be their last? Of course not! I remember my senior year in high school shortly before Christmas, one of the smartest boys in our class was killed in an auto accident. Do you think he woke up that day thinking he would never have a tomorrow? The halls were quite, most of us profoudly affected, it was an event I will never forget. Waiting until you have the money, the time, the resources, the right job, the right whatever, are all excuses keeping you trapped. You know this is true. When are you going to say enough? When are you going to make the decision? That is really all it takes to start, a decision. Today is all you have. TODAY!
Yeah, but... yeah but nothing. Stop living in reverse and wasting what precious time you have left in the cycle of what if, yeah but, if only--all lies we tell ourselves because we are afraid. You cannot break out of the prison unless your realize you are in one, and all negative thinking is a prison. Simple yet strange when you think about it.
I know you can do this! xoxo